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Thursday, March 19, 2009

My March Break Schedule

At the beginning of march break, I told myself that I would endeavour to associate myself with adjectives such as "studious", "constructive" and "responsible". My to-do list was as follows:

  1. Master the first movement of this (except on flute)
  2. Do my Freudian analysis of Chief Bromden (One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest actually isn't bad...)
  3. Do my Harmony and Music History homework from the past month or so
  4. Work on a group physics project (I'll give you a hint, it involves gravity and DIY cars)
  5. Master this (It's a little, er, heavy)
  6. And this
Well, there are now 3 and a bit days left in march break, and my to-do list looks like this:
  1. Master the first movement of this (except on flute)
  2. Do my Freudian analysis of Chief Bromden (One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest actually isn't bad...)
  3. Do my Harmony and Music History homework from the past month or so
  4. Master this (It's a little, er, heavy)
  5. And this
If you look closely, you'll notice there is one less thing on this list. Do you know why? Because I did one thing! I worked on the gravity car!

I am rather ashamed that I am so proud of that fact...



lyrical charlatan said...

My ears... :(

I find it kind of funny that the one thing you completed was the one thing on the list that wasn't really necessary to complete over the break. Well, I guess 5 and 6 aren't either...but homework-wise, yeah.

Anonymous said...

One thing is better than nothing! ;D