Also known as Knewbuntu, Pneubuntu or Gnubuntu depending on your preference of silent letters.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Plinky: Almost as awesome as half of my right pinky!

Plinky (which is clearly more awesome than me to the power of Dark Tranquility times Mozart factorial!) has suggested that I write about 5 things I want to do before I die. Now, I am frankly slightly depressed by this question since there are far more than 5 things I want to do before I die. So instead, I will write about 5 things I think the afterlife (just remember, you go where Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks you to [Don't worry, I do know noone escapes his kick so there really isn't an afterlife, just continous death for the rest of eternity!]) could be like!

1. Wicked Techno Dance Party
Hmm...Rocking out with some crazy Eastern Europeans (among others) to this for the rest of eternity? Sign me up! My Europeaness (that totally is a word, don't even lie blogspot) has given me a love for techno that most North Americans just can't understand :P. I mean put this image in your mind: Jesus, the Devil, and yourself rocking out to some techno beats. Would you or would you not go for that?

On the flip side, there aren't too many ridiculously awesome techno songs, most are pretty boring. So unless I wanted to listen to the same 13 songs for eternity, I'd have to listen to some pretty bad stuff.

Rating: 8.5/10

2. A Melodic Death Metal Concert
This would naturally involve more growling than most people can handle, but hey, I like it! Anyways, these things are basically the party of the century and are just amazingly awesome. I enjoy every one immensely, so I'd love to spend my afterlife in one!

On the flip side, headbanging + eternity = neck sprains (as does sitting too close to the screen in movie theatres!). After one 4 hour concert, I couldn't move it for 3 days or so, so eternity would be painful. And the singer would get very hoarse (PWNIE! geddit? hoarse = horse = pony = pwnie? Nevermind...).

Rating: 6.5/10

3. Just like RL
Well, this would suck. A lot. There are very few positives, but there are some. For all we non-spectral beings know, you might not be able to sense anything in the afterlife, which would suck.

On the other hand, responsibilities. Deadlines. Meetings. Group Work. School. The Sham-Wow guy.

Rating: -10/10

4. The whole heaven-hell deal
Honestly, I would not want to go to heaven. Awesome people are (generally) uninteresting. Heaven would be all sitars and Muslim imams (haha Christians, FOOLED YOU!). O, and suicide bombers. On the other hand, hell. Bill Gates. Chuck Norris himself. Jesus (I mean, how cool would it be to say "Jesus Christ!" and see someone respond!).

Since only half of the heaven-hell idea is awesome, I have to cut their ranking in half. So,

Ranking: 5/10

5. Nothingness
Yes, a black, empty, desolate, souless, bare, silent, miniscule, individual, unsensing and unfeeling pit of despair. Or not! See, religions try to tell you that that's the alternative, but that isn't really what happens. You end. Finito. Capiche? Maggots eat your body and you become one with the earth! So this is why hippies rejected religion...

Ranking: 7/10

So therefore, it seems techno is for me!


Thursday, March 19, 2009

My March Break Schedule

At the beginning of march break, I told myself that I would endeavour to associate myself with adjectives such as "studious", "constructive" and "responsible". My to-do list was as follows:

  1. Master the first movement of this (except on flute)
  2. Do my Freudian analysis of Chief Bromden (One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest actually isn't bad...)
  3. Do my Harmony and Music History homework from the past month or so
  4. Work on a group physics project (I'll give you a hint, it involves gravity and DIY cars)
  5. Master this (It's a little, er, heavy)
  6. And this
Well, there are now 3 and a bit days left in march break, and my to-do list looks like this:
  1. Master the first movement of this (except on flute)
  2. Do my Freudian analysis of Chief Bromden (One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest actually isn't bad...)
  3. Do my Harmony and Music History homework from the past month or so
  4. Master this (It's a little, er, heavy)
  5. And this
If you look closely, you'll notice there is one less thing on this list. Do you know why? Because I did one thing! I worked on the gravity car!

I am rather ashamed that I am so proud of that fact...


Monday, March 9, 2009

A Letter to the Republicans of America

Dear most awesome Republicans of America,

How go things with you? How about your mother, sister and brother, are they alright as well? Haha, just kidding. Of course I know they're all the same person!

Anyway, what I wanted to write to you about today was this young upshot Obama and how he's dealing with the recession. Let me start by saying his stance is pretty pathetic. I mean come on, he's saying we need to spend more money in order to kick start our economy! That's like saying throwing more wood onto a fire makes it burn brighter! Oh wait, bad analogy...but you get my drift right! And it's also obvious that this is completely and entirely the fault of the Democrats that we're in the recession in the first place!

Let me give you a bit of a history lesson. You see, Democrats have always been the big spenders. Ignore all those "historians" with their "facts" and "evidence". No, you should be listening to good, honest American men and women like Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly and Ann Coulter, they know how it really is. The far-left liberal media is always on their case, so don't believe things they write in those tabloid journals they call "newspapers".

So anyway, now that we've cleared up the fact that liberals are definitely the big spenders, let's look at Obama's record. He has been president for 7 weeks and he has not yet solved the economic crisis. This is just ridiculous ladies and gentlemen. Bush, in his 4 1/2 months, laid the foundations for a good, solid, AMERICAN economy. Yet Obama has ruined all of that in only 7 weeks. I mean just look at the stock market! Bush was president during the most difficult time in the economic crisis, yet he handled it perfectly, as evidenced by the fact that the stock market did not drop too badly. Yet in came Obama with the ground work already set out for him by Bush's bold economic stimulus package, and all he can think to do is copy Bush's brilliant plan. I'm not seeing the change Obama! All I'm seeing is my stocks dropping at a decreasing I MEAN increasing rate!

So, please send this to all your fellow Americans. You'll know who they are.

Yours truly,

A Patriot

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Post-Rock is Awesome

The title basically covers everything I want to say in this post. But that would make for a boring post. So, let me say this. I did not know what post-rock was until about 2 weeks ago. It has become my second favourite genre of music in that short time (melodic death will never be unseated!).

In case you are like I was (I hope for your sake you aren't), post-rock is a very psychedelic genre of music, with incredibly long songs, huge volume changes and some great riffs. Think metal meets Pink Floyd. So far, my favourite bands are Sigur Ros, Russian Circles and on the heavier side, Isis. All of those bands have something I really like about them. For Sigur Ros, it is the singer's voice, for Russian Circles it's the awesome riffs and for Isis it's the sludge feel with some good growling on top.

Anyways, that's all
