I heard a quote a few weeks ago which made me chuckle. Part of the reason for this was because this quote was recited to me when the summer holidays were still going on. As a result, my sense of humour was active since I did not have a possibility of impending doom (read: assignments) ominously hovering nearby. But nonetheless, it was a good quote:
There are two kinds of people in this world, those who love the Beatles and liars!Initially, I took this as just another funny quote. Along came September 9th. If you aren't a total Rock Band nerd, that's the day Rock Band: The Beatles came out. I basically fell in love with the Beatles overnight.
Previous to this spiritual awakening, I hadn't really listened to them very much. I mean, I obviously knew a bunch of their songs (who doesn't?), but I didn't listen to them on anything resembling a regular basis; however, in playing the new Rock Band game it was kind of impossible to not listen to some of their songs, and as a result, I really appreciated their music for the first time. I mean, before the game I didn't dislike them, I just wouldn't be able to, for the life of me, name more than about...15 songs of theirs. But now that I've played this excellent game, I've decided that the Beatles are the greatest band ever (I'm so original!). I think my new favourite song is "While my Guitar Gently Weeps", but, strangely enough, my favourite rendition of it is not by the Beatles. It is by Prince. Oh, sorry, The Artist Formerly Known As Prince, aka

I now realize that quote is entirely true. I was in a third category, a category of people who hadn't really listened to much of their music (I'm sad I know!). Nonetheless, the concept of the quote is still entirely brilliant and (almost) correct! Now go forth and love the Beatles!